North Carolina’s fiscal health depends on two things: lowering the cost of healthcare, and figuring out how to provide better healthcare to people who need it. The upcoming 2016 N.C. Rural Assembly addresses both.

Are you a rural North Carolinian who wants to know why good healthcare is hard to come by? A rural business wanting better ways to keep your employees healthy?

You can get answers on September 26th and 27th at the Rural Center’s 2016 conference, the Rural Assembly. (You’ll have to travel to Raleigh to do it...but oh, well. Nothing’s perfect.)

In two days of panels and talks by experts in health, education, and public administration from all across the state, you’ll get to know “the intersection of rural health and economic development” — in other words, the issues that affect your health and your wallet, and, just maybe, how you can help change them for the better.

(In case you need further incentive, they also invited Gov. McCrory...AND Attorney General Cooper. Want to take bets on who shows up?)

Register now for the Rural Assembly on September 26th and 27th.

Want to hear about more news that affects your health? Sign up. We’ll send you legislative updates about healthcare-related bills and news from around the state that impacts your fiscal health.

How to Take Action

Our Coalition is only as strong as our advocates. Grassroots support is how we effect change. Take Action for lower healthcare costs.

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