
If Republicans have their way, the Affordable Care Act (i.e. Obamacare) will be on its way out soon enough.

Will the birth control mandate be gone with it?

If opposers of the mandate have their way - yes.

"The Affordable Care Act says insurers must cover certain preventive services at no cost. But the Trump administration says the law does not explicitly require coverage of contraceptives, an argument (critics) made for plaintiffs in court cases," reported a New York Times article on the matter.

Do you think health insurers should be mandated to cover preventative birth control services, including contraceptives? Tell us on Facebook or share your views here in the comments.

State-based mandates, like ones for preventative birth control, drive up the cost of health insurance for everyone - even single men who have no use for things like oral contraceptives. Join us in rolling back these laws, so North Carolinians only have to pay for what their families need.

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Our Coalition is only as strong as our advocates. Grassroots support is how we effect change. Take Action for lower healthcare costs.

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